For the second time in two days, I got myself on the treadmill and pushed the button. It was, by my own account, a success--I ran (jogged) the first 20 minutes non-stop, and after a brief walk, cranked the speed up higher than I've been able to so far on this treadmill. I ended up (by the machine's calculations) completing 3 miles in 40 minutes, my best effort on this treadmill yet. (I keep clarifying "this treadmill" because honestly, I don't know how accurate it is. It's a lot tougher than the machines at the gym--even my husband has said so. And after he ran outside yesterday for the first time since running on our treadmill, he is even more convinced it's not wholly accurate. My inner statistician would like to know how far I'm running and how fast, but really, I guess the important thing for me is to be able to carry a consistent pace for a longer period of time. That's my goal. I'd like to be able to run a 5k in less than a day.)
Which has led me to consider, again, purchasing a heart rate monitor. The thing is, a HRM won't tell me my distance or my speed, unless I shell out some real bank. So I'll probably just put it on the "when I win the lottery" list and forget about it for now.
Started working on the super secret sewing project this week, and I should have a good portion of it completed by this evening. Of course I got in a hurry and screwed something up already--not a big deal, just a minor fix, but I hate getting the seam ripper out, especially because of a careless mistake. Lesson learned. Maybe.
My goal is to run 4 mornings out of 5 this week. I think the reason for my lack of motivation has been the realization of how out-of-shape I got in just six months, and the self-disgust for allowing it to happen. Depression sucks and it makes you fat to add insult to injury.
"Take it from Dr. Dre--depression can be a real motherfucker." Word.
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