24 May 2010


So today I'm going against my recent vow to avoid processed foods. Yeah...that's going to be a tough one to uphold, really. I live in the burbs. We don't have cute little convenient corner grocers that stock fresh produce and crap. Instead, we have Quik Trip, and you don't want to eat anything from there unless (a) you're drunk; (b) you're starving or (c) you have PMS. And since I don't like going to the grocery store every day, I think a little processed fare is going to have to sneak in every now and again.

I am, however, trying to be a good little soldier. So far, so good. Started my day with a cup of coffee brewed in my new French press (husband keeps asking me what's French about it and aside from a portion of the enclosed instruction booklet, I honestly don't know) with some almond milk and a Soy Joy bar. The "joy" part of that is a total misnomer--there is nothing joyful about eating something that tastes like cardboard and looks like a turd--but they are a mere 130 calories, proteinariffic, and portable. And they still taste better than some of the protein bars I've had the displeasure of wrapping my mouth around.

Lunch is rice noodles--more processed food but hey, it's ramen, whatever--and a can of cat food tuna. With any luck I'll start chasing imaginary things and scratching the shit out of my cube wall by mid-afternoon and will be sent home. In an effort to improve my chances, I might start interjecting "meow" into every sentence around 1:30ish.

I have no idea what lies in wait for me in terms of dinner, but I did bring some rice crackers and fresh cherries to nibble on (assuming I don't get sent home for hissing at anyone). And my plan is to go to the gym tonight, as we hope to be at the bike track tomorrow evening. I killed 45 minutes on the stair climber last night--go me!--so tonight I will likely return to the treadmill to see if I can repeat last Thursday's performance.

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